The best flying-type Pokémon in Emerald is Pidgeot. It has a high speed stat, which makes it an effective flier. In addition, its attack stat is great for battling against other Pokémon.
The swellow is a flying-type Pokémon that appears in the games Emerald and Omega Ruby. It has a high speed, which makes it a good choice for battling.
I admit that I began my Pokémon adventure with Generation III.
That is something I believe many of you can relate to. To me, it solidified Pokémon as a franchise that was here to stay.
GameFreak capitalized on this new and fascinating technology by providing us with a Pokédex chock-full of new and intriguing-looking creatures to catch.
If you’re re-playing Emerald (or the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire remakes), this may offer you some ideas for flyers for your squad.
10. Stunningly
Beautifly loses points. Seriously.
Don’t get me wrong: Beautifly is an OG’mon with a nice design.
But that’s about the extent of my praise for it.
It’s very weak, and due to Butterfree’s sad debut in the anime, it’s completely overshadowed.
You might argue that Beautifly should be a Special Attacker. However, with a basic Speed of 65, you won’t be hitting that hard.
9. Crobat
Crobat should be towards the top of the list. I’ll be the first to acknowledge it.
I, on the other hand, despise it.
It’s simply a weird design, apart from being an evolution of Zubat (yeah, I still retain that old-school resentment).
It makes me want to fight or flee, and I’m not sure why.
It’s nothing more than a purple ball with wings. I’m not sure how fighting is supposed to work in the first place. I mean, I’m not in great condition, but I think I could handle one.
It does have some good numbers, notably T1 Speed.
Even yet, it’s not enough to persuade me to employ a Crobat. Competitive approach is a non-starter.
Ninjask (number 8)

Ninjask is breaching the sound barrier if Crobat possesses T1 Speed.
It has the same base of 160 and attack of 90 as Crobat.
Sure, it’s a little squishier. But it looks a lot better, therefore I’m giving it a higher rating.
However, Ninjask’s design takes some time to absorb.
It had always perplexed me as a child. It continues to do so.
I understand that’s supposed to be a ninja, but it seems to be too disjointed to persuade me. It is, nevertheless, fascinating to look at.
Tropius, number seven

Tropius is my youngster.
It would be great if it was a Dragon-type with higher stats. Unfortunately, there are only so many Hydreigons and Haxorus.
Tropius is a Pokémon that resembles a banana tree. What makes you think of anything like that? It has a beard made of bananas!
It’s brilliant in all of the absurdly appropriate ways.
Unfortunately, its statistics are abysmal. Like a colossal flop. That shouldn’t deter you from including Tropius in your story-six for the sake of variety.
Swellow (n.)

The first Pokémon game I ever truly played was Generation III.
As a result, I’m going to be a little prejudiced.
That’s because, until Braviary debuted in Generation V, Swellow was my favorite bird-type Pokémon of all time.
Because there’s nothing really unique about it, I can definitely say it was just nostalgia.
It has average stats but a lot of speed, and it has a bird-like appearance. It’s just a bird.
Regardless, the design appeals to my younger self. I aspired to be as handsome as Swellow.
Is it true that I was able to realize my dream? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no But it never deterred me from giving it my all.
Pelipper is number five.

The remaining flyers may be justified in a number of ways. However, if you disagree with any of my reasons, please send me a forceful tweet.
Pelipper is now in the picture. A weak Pokémon with a good design and some promise.
However, it isn’t what earns it a place on our list.
Pelipper is here because it was the first Pokémon to know both the Fly and Surf HMs.
Back before the Hidden Machine system was updated, it was a huge issue.
It was a blessing to have one Pokémon that could do both transportation HMs, which is why I’m celebrating Pelipper here.
Altaria, number four

The first Pokémon on this list with genuine competitive potential is Altaria.
With a basic Defense of 90 and a Special Defense of 105, it’s a big bird. As a result, Altaria tends to show up in the lowest competitive categories.
It won’t be able to compete with your Ubers and OUs, but it’s a specialized option that can stand on its own when necessary.
There’s also the fact that it’s a peacock/turkey cloud. What could possibly be wrong with that?
3. Gyarados (Gyarados)

Gyarados’ inclusion on this list should come as no surprise.
If you’ve ever played Pokémon, regardless of generation, you already know how powerful it is.
Let me clarify for those of you who have never had the pleasure of fighting with or against a Gyarados.
It has a total stat base of 540 and a basic attack of 125.
It also has access to some of the meta’s most powerful techniques.
If you’re struck by a Gyarados, you’ll pay the price.
Salamence No. 2

Salamence is the super dragons’ lost relative.
Garchomps, Haxorus, Hydreigons, and even Dragonites and Dragapults are all available to you.
Salamence, on the other hand, seems to be forgotten.
Despite this, it possesses a basic stat total of 600, which enables it to be listed among the Dex’s hardest-hitting Pokémon.
It also has a basic Attack of 135 and a Speed of 100, which is a frightening combo.
Salamence also seems to be a badass. Unlike nearly every other dragon kind, this one appears like a genuine dragon, complete with wings.
Rayquaza is number one.

It’s the Pokémon on the Emerald box image, after all.
It should come as no surprise that Rayquaza is at the top of this list. It’s legendary, therefore it’s automatically superior than all the other Pokémon (right?).
Look at the statistics if you need any more convincing:
With a total base of 680, 150 Attack and Special Attack, and 95 Speed, this character has a total base of 680.
Sorry, but I don’t have any funny remark to offer. It is simply the most powerful flying type in Generation III and its remakes, and it isn’t even close.
skarmory oras is a flying type Pokémon that can be found in the Kalos region of Pokémon Emerald and later in the Alola region of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best Flying type Pokemon in Emerald?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best Flying type Pokemon in Emerald is probably Pidgey.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best flying type in Oras?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Flying type Pokemon are usually strong against Bug types, but weak to Ground types.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is altaria better than Swellow?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Altaria is a powerful dragon type Pokemon, while Swellow is a bird type Pokemon.”}}]}
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best Flying type Pokemon in Emerald?
The best Flying type Pokemon in Emerald is probably Pidgey.
What is the best flying type in Oras?
Flying type Pokemon are usually strong against Bug types, but weak to Ground types.
Is altaria better than Swellow?
Altaria is a powerful dragon type Pokemon, while Swellow is a bird type Pokemon.
Related Tags
- doduo oras
- altaria
- skarmory
- best flying type pokemon emerald
- all flying pokemon in emerald